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Deliverance from sin for the Nicolaitan
So I worked with the Spirit to find them some mercy and I gave them a good word.
Then I reconfirmed the word to them, for I had seen they were cleansed, but shouted to me. You swore we would be forgiven', and they were in fear because they were not filled with God's Light.
At this point, I could have answered, sin no more or worse things will come to you', as the Lord gave to the same sinners in His time, but I know that the Lord is exceedingly gracious, and they were in great need and only the Baptism of Fire could bring peace to their souls. So I gave another word in faith to them to seek the Baptism of Fire.
Learn a lesson from me, always exalt God's grace, because He is kinder than you think, you can make a way of grace with Him by your faith! Do not follow the examples of John and James in their youth, when they wanted to call fire from Heaven with their faith.
And surely God taught them the errors of their ways, for the Church considered James a pillar, but most assuredly I tell you, that Paul replaced him because of the error in youth. And John kept his place of honour but not without some penalty, for John's spirit remained on earth till he received my message.
For the Spirit took me onboard a train, in which was found YAHWEH, the Father and on His right Jesus and on His right the Angel of God. And I sat before YAHWEH, and the Father said, Look behind you, someone is waiting for you.' And I saw in the entrance room behind me, the spirit of the Apostle John, who lay prostrate in a trance, and I lifted him.
For consider this, that it is possible to speak with God, and ask Him for Mercy even in the midst of judgement. This is arresting salvation by force for the weak and needy, it is the same as the struggle that Jacob had with the Angel of God. Jacob wrestled God until he attained a personal blessing like his grandfather Abraham. This is because Jacob stole by deceit the secondary blessings of Abraham from Esau. A blessing that is passed by fleshly ordinance becomes secondary; it is not eternal, for it can be stolen.
And now I have had confirmation of the salvation of those Nicolaitans, for in my sleep I had three visions, the first I saw a young man filled with light, because of my word of God's Mercy given, but the young man had a giant bug, like an unclean insect feeding off his neck, lying over his chest.
And then I was in darkness, and felt great fear, the fear of those Nicolaitans who had been given life but felt judgement for their sins. For I was taken into their spirits and souls and they were covered with fear.
Then I felt a ring being torn off from my right hand, from the right ring finger. And as the ring was torn, daemons cried in agony, and their false words escaped the souls of the Nicolaitans. The ring had a barb that fixed the ring to the bone of the finger, in the souls of the Nicolaitans. For the soul is your spiritual man, and it can be wounded and it can be hurt and it can be bound with sin.
Once the ring was torn off, I saw the Spirit, in the form of the Spirit of Love, the form of the Lady Wisdom, and He smiled at me with the Smile of Christ. It is the Spirit that removed the ring of bondage.
I believe many members of the Catholic denomination, have seen the Spirit in this form and mistake Him for Mary the mother of Jesus. And this is sin, for all foolishness is sin, because they should be able to discern the meanings of visions and dreams. But this is no worse than the errors of the prophets in training, and God does not count the sin against them because they are spiritual babes.
And the Nicolaitans that are spared were wed to the devil, who thought he had bound them for eternity to hell, but God has released them through my service of the Baptism for the Dead.
The Baptism for the Dead is an unpleasant experience, but is necessary for a sure salvation, for we all drink of the Blood of Christ, and eat of the Flesh of Christ through the Word, but for mercy to be given to those who are yet to know Him, we need to drink the Bitter Cup that He took in the garden of Gethsemane. For Christ drank this bitter cup for all His servants, and He says, those who drink the most are my greatest servants.' And those who drink the most are the wisest in Him, though with great wisdom comes many sorrows of the heart.
And then I saw the same young man, that is the redeemed from the Nicolaitans, filled with light, and now robed with a dress of green light. And I embraced the young man as my own child, and the Spirit of Love was around the child giving God's compassion to him.
I give this message for the Nicolaitans who cried with agony to me by the Spirit, to firm their faith, and they will receive the Baptism of Fire, and feel the love of God in their hearts and souls just as I received the same Baptism from God.
For the Baptism of Fire is a Flame that lights the candle of their spiritual being, which is their soul, and is the Seal of God that saves them to the utmost. For the Flame cannot be burnt out. But the Baptism of Water, which is the infilling of the Spirit is given for the cleansing of their hearts and minds, and their flesh.
The Lord knows that saints are not made in one day, so He gave a path, a gentle burden for them. They are to receive the good Seed of His Word, and then Baptised in the Water of the Word. And this Living Water becomes a spring that feeds their hearts and minds, and readies their souls for the Baptism of Fire. For that Flame is the new spirit that God puts in their hearts and minds, even into their souls. And it is this new spirit, which cries out Abba' and cannot be judged.
So teach all peoples to labour for the Baptism of Fire and not for money or fame, because only those who are with the Flame of God will be gathered into the sky to Christ.
And those who are the elect because of the Baptism of Fire should consider themselves plucked from fire, for I have seen Babylon while she was a young woman, and she was naked. And the Spirit took me to her and I saw her float above a mound of unclean spirits. And in appearance they were the same as the unclean spirit that was choking the life from those Nicolaitans whom God has spared.

Ken Klein Productions
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The Tetragrammaton occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text of both the Biblia Hebraica and Biblia Hebraica Struttgartenia It does not appear in the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, or Ester. It first appears in the Hebrew text in Genesis 2:4. The letters, properly read from right to left (in Biblical Hebrew), are:
Letter name
"W" or placeholder for "O"/"U" vowel
"H" (or often a silent letter at the end of a word)
The Tetragrammaton as represented in stained glass in an 1868 Episcopal Church in Iowa
These four letters are usually transliterated from Hebrew as IHVH in Latin, JHWH in German, French and Dutch, and JHVH/YHWH in English. This has been variously rendered as " Yahweh" or as "Jehovah", based on the Latin form of the term, while the Hebrew text does not clearly indicate the omitted vowels.
In English translations, it is often rendered in capital and small capital letters as "the Lord", following Jewish tradition which reads the word as "Adonai" ("Lord") out of respect for the name of God and the interpretation of the commandment not to take the name of God in vain. The word "haŠem", 'the Name' is also used in Jewish contexts; in Samaritan, "Šemå" is the normal substitution.
It has often been proposed that the name YHWH is etymologically a third person masculine imperfect verb form derived from the Biblical Hebrew triconsonantal root היה (h-y-y) "to be", which has הוה (h-w-y) as a variant form. This would connect it to the passage in verse Exodus 3:14, where God gives his name as אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh), translated most basically as "I am what I am" (or "I will be that which I now am"). יהוה with the vocalization "Yahweh" could theoretically be a hiph'il verb inflection of root h-w-y, with a meaning something like "he who causes to exist" or "who gives life". As a qal (basic stem) verb inflection, it could mean "he who is, who exists".
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