For your review only repository of articles for my book.
Technology Light Displays
Lights And Beings
An Angel With A Countenance Like Lightening
Nicodemus 10:3 That while they were guarding the sepulchre of Jesus, there was an earthquake; and we saw an angel of God roll away the stone of the sepulchre and sit upon it; 4 And his countenance was like lightning and his garment like snow; and we became through fear like persons dead.
Joseph Of Arimathaea Sees Angels And Jesus Shining Brightly
Nicodemus But while I was standing at prayer in the middle of the night, the house was surrounded with four angels; and I saw Jesus as the brightness of the sun, and fell down upon the earth for fear.
God Tells Of Adoil And The Great Light
Secrets Of Enoch 25:1 I commanded in the very lowest parts, that visible things should come down from invisible, and Adoil came down very great, and I beheld him, and lo! He had a belly of great light. 2 And I said to him: Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of you. 3 And he came undone, and a great light came out. And I was in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light, there came forth a great age, and showed all creation, which I had thought to create.
God's Angels Are Filled With Light
1st Adam and Eve 27:10 "O Lord, is there in the world another god besides You, who created angels and filled them with light, and sent them to keep us, who would come with them? 11 But, look, we see these hosts that stand at the mouth of the cave; they are in a great light; they sing loud praises. If they are of some other god than You, tell me; and if they are sent by you, inform me of the reason for which You have sent them."
Levi Became As A Sun
Napthali 2:4 And when Levi became as a sun, lo, a certain young man gave to him twelve branches of palm; and Judah was bright as the moon, and under their feet were twelve rays.
The Angels Appear As Men
Enoch 17:1 They raised me up into a certain place, where there was (28) the appearance of a burning fire; and when they pleased they assumed the likeness of men.
The Holy Are Like A Blaze Of Fire
Enoch 39:7 Their residence I beheld under the wings of the Lord of spirits. All the holy and the elect sung before him, in appearance like a blaze of fire; their mouths being full of blessings, and their lips glorifying the name of the Lord of spirits. And righteousness incessantly dwelt before him.
A Very Great Light, A Voice
Wisdom of Solomon 18:1 Nevertheless thy saints had a very great light, whose voice they hearing, and not seeing their shape, because they also had not suffered the same things, they counted them happy
A Crystal Habitation, Cherubim, And A Flaming Fire
Enoch14:12 And drew nigh to a spacious habitation built also with stones of crystal. Its walls too, as well as pavement, were formed with stones of crystal, and crystal likewise was the ground. Its roof had the appearance of agitated stars and flashes of lightning; and among them were cherubim of fire in a stormy sky. A flame burned around its walls; and its portal blazed with fire. When I entered into this dwelling, it was hot as fire and cold as ice. No trace of delight or of life was there. Terror overwhelmed me, and a fearful shaking seized me.
Light Displays
Fire From The Everlasting
Baruch 4:34 For I will take away the rejoicing of her great multitude, and her pride shall be turned into mourning 35 For fire shall come upon her from the Everlasting, long to endure; and she shall be inhabited of devils for a great time.
The Heavens Light Up At Night
Pilate to Tiberius And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up.
All Night the Light Did Not Cease
Pilate to Tiberius All that night therefore, my lord, O king, the light ceased not.
The Light Did Not Cease Shining All Night
Report of Pilate 17 And all that night the light did not cease shining. And many of the Jews died in the chasm of the earth, being swallowed up, so that in the morning most of those who had been against Jesus were not to be found.
The Light Gradually Decreases Until The Infant Appeared
Protevangelion 14:12 But the light gradually decreased, until the infant appeared, and sucked the breast of his mother Mary.
The Brightness of the Everlasting
Baruch 4:23 For I sent you out with mourning and weeping: but God will give you to me again with joy and gladness for ever. 24 Like as now the neighbours of Sion have seen your captivity: so shall they see shortly your salvation from our God which shall come upon you with great glory, and brightness of the Everlasting.
The Light of God's Glory
Baruch 5:9 For God shall lead Israel with joy in the light of his glory with the mercy and righteousness that cometh from him.
Adam Is Deprived Of The Bright Light
1st Adam and Eve 25:3 But Adam said to God, "I was thinking to put an end to myself at once, for having transgressed Your commandments, and for my having come out of the beautiful garden; and for the bright light of which You have deprived me; and for the praises which poured forth from my mouth without ceasing, and for the light that covered me.
The Light Coming From The East Disappears
1st Adam and Eve 27:2 Then Adam said to Eve, "When we were on the mountain we were comforted by the Word of God that conversed with us; and the light that came from the east shown over us. 3 But now the Word of God is hidden from us; and the light that shown over us is so changed as to disappear, and let darkness and sorrow come over us.
Satan Tries To Deceive Adam And Eve
1st Adam and Eve 27:4 And Satan did this, in order that when Adam saw the light, he should think within himself that it was a heavenly light, and that Satan's hosts were angels; and that God had sent them to watch at the cave, and to give him light in the darkness.
Adam Questions The Great Light
1st Adam and Eve 27:7 "Look at that great light, and at those many songs of praise, and at that host standing outside who won't come into our cave. Why don't they tell us what they want, where they are from, what the meaning of this light is, what those praises are, why they have been sent to this place, and why they won't come in? 8 If they were from God, they would come into the cave with us, and would tell us why they were sent."
A Large Fire By The Cave
1st Adam and Eve 42:13 And Adam and Eve worshipped the Lord, and returned from the river of water to the cave. It was noon-day; and when they drew near to the cave, they saw a large fire by it.
Adam And Eve Are Terrified By The Fire
1st Adam and Eve 43:1 Then Adam and Eve were afraid, and stood still. And Adam said to Eve, "What is that fire by our cave? We have done nothing in it to cause this fire. 2 We neither have bread to bake therein, nor broth to cook there. As to this fire, we have never known anything like it, neither do we know what to call it. 3 But ever since God sent the cherub with a sword of fire that flashed and lightened in his hand, from fear of which we fell down and were like corpses, have we not seen the like. 4 But now, O Eve, behold, this is the same fire that was in the cherub's hand, which God has sent to keep the cave in which we live.
The Fire Was From Satan
1st Adam and Eve 43:13 Then Adam said no more. And they kept looking, He and Eve, towards the cave, and at the fire that flared up around it. 14 But that fire was from Satan. For he had gathered trees and dry grasses, and had carried and brought them to the cave, and had set fire to them, in order to consume the cave and what was in it.
The Word Parts The Fire
1st Adam and Eve 45:11 There is no way for you at present to come from this life to rest, not until My Word comes, who is My Word. Then He will make a way for you, and you shall have rest." Then God called with His Word to the fire that burned around the cave, that it split itself in half, until Adam had gone through it. Then the fire parted itself by God's order, and a way was made for Adam
A Whirlwind In The Fire
1st Adam and Eve 46:1 Then Adam and Eve began again to come into the cave. And when they came to the way between the fire, Satan blew into the fire like a whirlwind, and caused the burning coal-fire to cover Adam and Eve; so that their bodies were singed; and the coal-fire scorched them (Could this possibly be a vehicle also?)
The Prayer Of Adam And Eve Was Like A Flame Of Fire
1st Adam and Eve 58:5 Then Adam and Eve got up, and joined together in entreating God. 6 They continued praying like this in the cave; neither did they come out of it, by night or by day, until their prayers went up out of their mouths, like a flame of fire.
God Will Send A Great Light
Secrets Of Enoch 56:4 And when the Lord shall send a great light, then there will be judgment for the just and the unjust, and there no one shall escape notice.
A Fire From Heaven
Jasher 1:15 And it was at the expiration of a few years, that they brought an approximating offering to Yahuwah, and Cain brought from the fruit of the ground, and Abel brought from the firstlings of his flock from the fat thereof, and the Elohim turned and inclined to Abel and his offering, and a fire came down from Yahuwah from heaven and consumed it.
Amram's House Is Filled With A Great Light
Jasher 68:4 And at the end of 7 months from her conception she brought forth a son, and the whole house was filled with great light as of the light of the sun and moon at the time of their shining.
Yahuwah Called To Moses From The Fire
Jasher 79:4 And Moses was greatly astonished at this sight, reasoning that the bush was not consumed. So he approached to see this mighty thing, and Yahuwah called to Moses out of the fire and commanded him to go down to Mitzraim, to Pharaoh king of Mitzraim, to send the children of Yisrael from his service. 5 And Yahuwah said to Moses, Go, return to Mitzraim, for all those men who sought your life are dead, and you will speak to Pharaoh to send forth the children of Yisrael from his land.
A Fire From Yahuwah
Jasher 83:6 On that day the 2 sons of Aharon, Nadab and Abihu, took strange fire and brought it before Yahuwah who had not commanded them, and a fire went forth from before Yahuwah, and consumed them, and they died before Yahuwah on that day.
New Bible Codes Discovered!
Vibration Rates for Creation and Destruction!
From: "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse"
by Dr Leonard Horowitz and Dr Joseph Puleo
The codes on this page were found in the Bible which has been with us for thousands of years, yet hidden in plain sight.
Dr. Joseph (Joey) S. Puleo discovered the code after speaking with a visiting angel several times.
For this page, we are concerned only with 'Creation and Destruction' as it relates to the pyramid of Giza, Coral Castle in Florida constructed by Edward Leedskalnin, and Nicola Tesla.
In this incredible book by Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Puleo, they elucidate the discovery of this New Bible Code which begins with telling us on page 35, that Pythagoras was murdered, and his school was burned and that he was an astrologer.
Pythagoras, as many people know was a physician and a mathematician. He worked with radionics and mathematics, sound and light and used them in healing and the practice of spiritual medicine. Besides astrology, Pytagoras taught geometry as part of that science and of course, mathematics is a corresponding part of both.
Astrology, though denounced by many and scoffed at, has been used from the beginning of the knowledge in ancient times all the way up to today, including by our beloved President Reagan.
Joey tells us that his visiting angel taught him about numbers, starting with 8. He began 1X8=8; 2X8=16, 3X8=24, etc. all the way to 8X8=64. The pointed out that 64 is an important cardinal number and that 6+4=10 which added together becomes 1 using the Pythagorean skein.
The angel continued that 8X8 = 64 which is the number of squares on a chess board that the Egyptians invented, that there are eight octaves in music and 88 keys on a standard regulation size piano.
Next the angel taught Joey about the number 9. Using the English alphabet ... numbering the letters A=1 through I=9, then starting over with J=1 through R=9, and repeating S=1 through Z=8, the numbers add up to 126 - which adds together to equal 9.
In another column, and listing 1X3=3, 2X3=6, 3X3=9, all the way to 26X3=78=15=6, all the ending 1 digit numbers equal 3, 6, 9 all the way down and added together = 153 = 9.
See: 153
In a third column, and listing 1X6=6, 2X6=12=3, all the way down to 26X6=156=3, again all the final digit numbers add to 153=9. All the final single digit numbers add to 3, 6, and 9.
In a fourth column, and listing the numbers 1X9=9, 2X9=18=9 all the way down to 26X9=234 = 9, all the final digit numbers are 9, which again added together = 234=9.
The angel explained that English and Hebrew alphabets can be equally deciphered and even though English is read left to right and Hebrew is read right to left, the mathematical result is the same.
The first language called Babel was invented to express at least in part the Godly perfection of mathematics. Babel came from the early Semitic Mesopotamian language called Akkadian, meaning 'gate to God'.
Other languages developed since then do not translate the same mathematically and the 'gate to God' is hidden.
On page 40, we are told: "Specifically, each sound or syllable, especially in Hebrew, emits a special frequency when spoken or sung - frequencies of spiritual value. The fact is, sounds generate electromagnetic frequencies. These form the basis for today's computerized language translation and word processing programs. They can print out the Hebrew or English characters and words in response to the sound or wave frequency recognitions or vibrational reconnaissance.
"Another strange thing is that there are twenty-two characters in the Hebrew alphabet. There are twenty-two degrees between Fa and So on the music scale. And there is a twenty-two year sun cycle wherein every elevent years it reverses its polarity from north to south.
Joey was then visiting by Jeshua and told to go to the Hebrew alphabet. But Joey couldn't find a book in all of Spokane or Idaho. Jeshua then told Joey to look in the Bible -"my book", he called it - Psalm 119.
There it is - all laid out complete. See: Psalm 119.
We are told then that King James VI of Scotland and James I of England, a member of the Scottish Right, Knights Templar, and Freemasons, decided to commission the writing of a new encoded English Bible, ensuring that the special arcana numbers, that Jeshua had directed Joey to recover, would never be lost to the "illumined."
Note: We have read about the reasons that the Bible has been revised, changed, and reworded numerous times since then, but if we believe there is a special numerical encoding in the King James version, then that is the only version that will give you the proper coding.
By following the number coding in Psalm 119, we find that after the first Hebrew word Aleph, is verse 1, after the second word Beth, the next verse is 9, after Gimel, the next verse is 8, and on through the alphabet, writing down the verse number following the letter, and at the end, you have a listing of final digits that look like this:
And there are 8 verses between each Hebrew letter.
Joey tells us that the King James Bible is encoded with the Pythagorean skein and the truth, "Anyone who reached the highest degrees of Freemasonry were given this knowledge to spiritual acquire higher matrices of thought and the spiritual power in it."
Revealing the Numbers in NUMBERS
The book of Numbers used to be called, "In the Wilderness".
Joey was visited by an angel again. The angel said: "You have your challenge. You're working for God, but not everything is given."
NOTE: That's the way we all get our clues to work on our missions. We are given clues, but not all the answers. The answers have to be derived from the clues and its not easy.
The angel asked a series of question of Joey: "How many day are there in a week?" "How many colors in a rainbow are visible?" The answer was 'seven'.
The angel asked, "What about the verse in the Bible: the something son of the something son?" Joey answered, "Well its the seventh son of the seventh son."
The angel asked, "Now how many musical notes are there?" The answer was 'seven'.
The angel asked, "Now how many months in a year are there?" "Twelve"
The angel asked, "How many apostles are there?" "Twelve"
The angel asked, "That is correct. And what are we working with?" "Numbers!"
The angel then illuminated the page of the Bible he wanted Joey to go to. Its the Book of Numbers. Chapter 7 - starting at verse 12.
Numbers - Chapter 7
Joey read the chapter and it didn't make any sense to him. Joey also found a numerical Musical Pattern encloded in the King James Bible from Psalm 120 through 134.
Below are the results of his research and studies:
(From Page 60, Fig 2.5):
Evolution of the Gregorian Musical "Solfeggio" (Scale) form Initially Six (6) Notes
The Original Solfeggio
1. Ut - queant laxis
2. Re - sonare fibris
3. Mi - ra gestorum
4. Fa - muli tuorum
5. Sol - ve polluti
6. La -0 biireatum
The Earlier Modified Solfeggio
1. Ut - queant laxis
2. Re - sonare fibris
3. Mi - ra gestorum
4. Fa - muli tuorum
5. Sol - ve polluti
6. La - biireatum
7. SI - Sancto Iohannes
The Current Modified Solfeggio
1. Do - queant laxis
2. Re - sonare fibris
3. Mi - ra gestorum
4. Fa - muli tuorum
5. Sol - ve polluti
6. La - biireatum
7. TI - Sancto Iohannes
(From Page 177: Fig 5.6):
The Secret Solfeggio Frequencies: Sound Vibration Rates for Creation and Destruction:
1. Ut = 396 = 9
2. Re = 417 = 3
3. Mi = 528 = 6
4. Fa = 639 = 9
5. Sol = 741 = 3
6. La = 852 = 6
(From Pages 166 & 167):
Definitions of Tones in the Latin Solfeggio Including "Hidden Entries" From Webster's Dictionary
Note 1: The typos on this page are the same as the book.
Note 2: Emphasis added by italics in each definition denotes special relevance to the book.
UT-quent laxis
1. a syllable used for the first note in the diatonic scale in an early solminzation system and later replaced by do. 2. the syllable sung to this note in a medieval hymn to St. John the Baptist.
RE-sonare fibris (Res-o-nance)
1 a: the state of quality of being resonant. b(1) a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system 2. the prolongation of sound by reflection; reverberation. 3a. Amplification of a source of speech sounds, esp. of phonation, by sympathic vibration of the air, eesp. in the cavities of the mouth, nose and pharynx. b. a characteristic quality of a particular voice speech sound imparted by the distribution of amplitudes among the cavities of the head, chest, and throat. 4a. a larger than normal vibration produced in response to a stimulus whose frequency is close to the natural frequency of the vibrating system, as an electrical circuit, in which a value much larger than average is maintained for a given frequency. 5a. a quality of enriched significance, profundity, or allusiveness; a poem has a resonance beyond its surface meaning. 6. the chemical phenomenon in which the arrangements of the valance electrons of a molecule changes back and forth between two or more states. (in percussing for diagnostic purposes) a sound produced when air is present [1485-95];
MI-ra gestorum (Miracle)
1. an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause esp. to God. 2. a superb or surpassing example of something; wonder, marvel {1125-75}, ME
FA-muli tuorum (Famuls.)
... plural Famuli, 1a. servant/s, or attendant/s, esp. of a scholar or a magician [1830 - 40
SO-lve polluti (So-lve')
1. to find the answer or explanation for; clear-up; explain; to solve a mystery or puzzle, to work out the answer or solution to (a mathematical problem.) [1400-50, Late ME
LA-bii reatum (Labi-al)
1. of pertaining to or resembling a Labium. 2. of pertaining to the lips, 3. (of a speech sound) articulated using one of both lips. 4. of or designating the surface of a tooth facing the lips. 5. the labial speech sound, esp. consonant, [1585-95]; ML lingual. (reatum - reaction - 1. a reverse movement or tendency; an action in a reverse direction or manner. 2. a movement toward extreme political conservatism; 3. a desire to return to an earlier system or order. 3. action in response to some influence, event etc.; 4. a physiological response to an action or condition. b. a physiological change indicating sensitivity to a foreign matter.) 6. mech. the instantaneous response of a system to an applied force, manifested as the exertion of a force equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction, to the applied force [1635-45].
SI (Sancte Johannes)
1. a person of exceptional holiness, formally recognized by the Christian Church esp. by Canonization. 2. a person of great virtue or benevolence. 3. a founder or patron, as of a movement. 4. a member of any various Christian groups. 5. to acknowledge as a Saint. Canonize [1150-1200]; ME Seinte. Canon: 1. an ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the Pope. 3. a body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding, esp. in a field of study of art. 6. any officially recognized set of sacred books. 10. the part of the mass between Sanctus and the communion. 11. consistent, note-for-note imitation of one melodic line by another, in which the second line starts after the first. (axiomatic). 1. pertaining to or of the nature of an axiom; self-evident. 2. a universally accepted principle or rule. 3. a proposition in logic or mathematics that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying consequences that follow from it.
On page 67, Joey tells us that when there is a pattern change in the Bible, there is a hidden code being revealed to you. In this case, he is speaking of, "A song of degrees". He also reveals that there is a code in Leviticus beginning with Chapter 23:26, dealing with 'atonement' or 'a tone-ment'. speaking of 'tone'.
After a few more clues he discovered about music, he begins to tell us about the history of King James VI of Scotland, the Knights Templar, and Freemasonry.
Many people have believed in these groups including our own Presidents. Hitler did also. One discovers that there is much power in belonging to these groups, both positive and negative.
Freemasonry itself is not evil but it is used in evil ways by people with evil intentions. The symbols and knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge for philosophical and religious purposes itself is not evil. What IS EVIL is how FREEMASONRY IS USED TO PROMOTE AND MAINTAIN POWER!! We would all be better off if the Freemasons stopped trying to control the world.
Here are several cases :
Back in the Early 1900's an inventor named Nikola Tesla developed Free- Energy methods which could supply all the world with FREE Electricity. One of these experiments was a tower built at Colorado Springs which could power electricity for the whole USA and possibly the world. The concept was based on a simple concept that the Earth is always spinning, creating friction in the universe. This friction creates electricity in the ionosphere that we call lightning or electrical storms. So energy and electricity didn't need to be produced by work or application of energy which relied upon a constant source.
Tesla's Financier J.P. Morgan had the rights to Tesla's Patents and Tesla was always building dozens of new inventions. Well the story goes that when Tesla was building his Tower at Colorado Springs, J.P. Morgan was not clued in as to what it was Tesla was building exactly. When it was finished and Tesla told Morgan that it could supply the world with electricity, Morgan replied "Great, so where do we put the meters?" To which Tesla responded "There are no meters, This is Wireless Free-Electricity" and at that point J.P. Morgan cut off funding to Tesla and had the project buried. J.P. Morgan himself was not the all powerful figure people make him out to be, but there were powerful Freemasons and Skull and Bones members in particular, behind him. The J.P. Morgan bank was controlled more by Harold Stanley, a Skull and Bones member. Today it is called the Morgan-Stanley Bank. Check out the Skull and Bones Page to get the finer details of the direct influence in Banking.
Nikola Tesla had also built the world's first flying saucer that flew on Free-Energy and the Masons stole that from humanity as well. This technology was given to Hitler in the 1920's sometime through the Thule and Vril Society and their connections with American and British Masonic Secret Societies.
(2) HEMP / Cannabis Marijuana was outlawed directly by the Freemasons in this country and internationally for the sole purpose of creating synthetic petrochemical and pharmaceutical alternatives that they could sell through multinational corporations they control, at highly inflated prices. Back in the 1930's Dupont had a patent on a synthetic chemical compound that breaks down wood pulp for making paper from trees. You didn't need to cut down trees to make paper because for thousands of years virtually all known paper was made from Hemp and it can be produced at 1/4 the cost, 1/5 the pollution it's 10 times stronger and lasts 10 times longer.
Even the Founding Father Masons knew this. The Declaration of Independence was printed on Hemp Paper as well as the Constitution. The Flag sown by Betsy Ross was made out of Hemp. The soldiers clothes in the Revolutionary War were made out of Hemp and so were the covered wagons of the earlt settlers. Canvas is Dutch for Cannabis.
BUT, when the FREEMASONS find it in their interest to get rid of something for profit and power, it doesn't matter if GOD put it there, it won't get in the way of business as usual for the FREEMASONS. Cannabis seed oil is a machine-grade lubricant which is natural and NON-PETROLEUM based. It is also FREE and doesn't need to be DRILLED OUT OF THE EARTH with expensive polluting machinery.
COTTON could never in it's wildest fantasies compete with HEMP. HEMP is far SUPERIOR. It is 26 times stronger and lasts 10 times longer than cotton. There are NO chemicals needed to produce Hemp whereas you need HALF of all the chemicals produced to grow cotton. Hemp has NO natural
enemies except the government and you need pesticides to grow cotton. The 1st levi jeans were not made out of Cotton, they were made out of HEMP / Marijuana.
By now, you're probably wondering how this all fits in with the Freemasons.
(A) Dupont's chief financial backer was Andrew Mellon of the Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh, in which he was the owner and largest stockholder. Mellon, in his role as Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury, in 1931 appointed his future nephew-in-law Harry J. Anslinger to be head of the newly reorganized Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, which evolved into the DEA. Anslinger was one of the main proponents of criminalization of Hemp / Marijuana. William Randolph Hearst newspaper chain promoted "yellow journalism" using racism and lies to turn the public's mind on what they called a "new drug threat". Weyerhauser (Skull and Bones) and their control of the Lumber Industry
(B) Medicine and Pharmaceuticals : In 1900 Percy Rockefeller was initiated into Skull and Bones. The Rockefeller Family has always controlled the American Medical Association (AMA) since the very beginning. When originally consulted on this issue in the 1930's the AMA was all for Cannabis Tinctures / Marijuana Medicine, but for some reason their stance changed. Anslinger had blackmailed the AMA!! Anslinger was responsible for prosecuting the doctor's that prescribed narcotic drugs for "illegal purposes". The FBN had prosecuted more than 3000 AMA doctors for illegal prescriptions through 1939. In 1939, the AMA made specific "peace" with Anslinger over marijuana and the result was that only 3 doctor's were prosecuted over the next 10 years!!
(C) Cotton : The Decorticator had just been discussed in popular mechanics in 1938 as a new method of harvesting Hemp which would promise to put cotton back in it's place as an inferior material. New technology was allowing cotton to get an edge up on Hemp at this time. Well Eli Whitney has always been famous for the "Cotton Gin" and the Whitneys' again had an interest in preserving their empire. Surrounding the entirety of Marijuana Criminalization there are Freemasons in the background keeping society from progress while promoting their own personal financial agenda.
(D) Petrochemicals and Oil : Rockefeller has always been involved with the Mason groups but they are a lower-level power family. Actually, the Whitney's (BIG TIME Skull and Bones Family) were the real power behind Standard Oil. "Harry Payne Whitney (Initiated into Skull and Bones in 1894) inherited two Standard Oil fortunes from both the Payne and the Whitney families. William Collins Whitney married Flora Payne, daughter of Standard Oil Treasurer Oliver Payne. The Paynes are not in Skull and Bones, but adding the Payne piece of the Standard Oil fortune made Whitney's fortune that much larger. A quote by Lammott Dupont (President of Dupont) in the 1930's: "Synthetic plastics find application in fabricating a wide variety of articles, many of which in the past were made from natural products," ..."Consider our natural resources. The chemist has aided in conserving natural resources by developing synthetic products to supplement or wholly replace natural products". -Popular Mechanics--June 1939
Joey now tells us on page 164 that the Bible gives us the 'matrix' in Exodus through Moses - Chapter 13:12-15.
12 you are to give over to the LORD the first offspring of every womb. All the firstborn males of your livestock belong to the LORD . 13 Redeem with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem every firstborn among your sons. 14 "In days to come, when your son asks you, 'What does this mean?' say to him, 'With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 15 When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD killed every firstborn in Egypt, both man and animal. This is why I sacrifice to the LORD the first male offspring of every womb and redeem each of my firstborn sons.'
from 'racham' (7355); the womb (compare 'racham' (7356)):--matrix, womb.
A matrix is something within or from which something else originates, develops or takes form. There are 'hidden meanings behind what is said and therein lie the codes.
Joey tells us that in the King James Bible, the word "Selah", a musical term that means to "sprout" - give rise to life - can be found seventy -one times. The term "Higgaion" is used once but are interchangeble as seen in Psalm 9:16. The term Higgaion means "a deep sound".
Oxygen or breath is required for both Selah and Higgaion and so is God. The term God or "Yah Vah" in Hebrew means "to breathe is to exist".
He also tells us that 71 Selahs and one Higgaion is significant - because it equals 72 (the names of God) which adds to 9. Also important is that every 72 years = one degree of astrological declination. This changes the magnetic fields on earth and alters the consciousness of the humans as well. These changes become more important because it keeps people from developing the unseen ears and eyes that could hear and see into the spiritual realms.
Really important, Joey tells us on page 169 is that 'to be saved by grace' alone, this cleansing of guilt and illumination could could be best achieved by singing or listening to hymns that used the Solfeggio notes.
"Moreover, this hidden knowledge, and related vocal actions taken by "144,000" spiritually enlightened people, would bring about the social transformation of planet earth - that is, as describe under "LA-bii reatum", the "reverse movement" back from mankind to 'Godkind'.
In Revelation 7:4, the magical number of 144,000 is promised to be composed of "all the tribes of the children of Israel." These 144,000 people are the chosen ones ... 12,000 people from each tribe.
"However, the Pythagorean skein numbers provided here are: nine (9) for 144,000 that is completion; three (3) each for 12,000 tribal representatives from each of twelve (12) tribes - that is, 3x12=36=9, or 3_3=6, or 3x3=9, all numerologically powerful, if not magical. Remember that Tesla and Keely said, "If you only knew the power of the 3's, 6's, and 9's!"
The 144,000 are 'sealed' which derives from the German word for Selah. He tells us this same 144,000 singing the sound frequencies of faithful and trusting servants will be responsible for the deliverance of God in the greatest 'paradigm shift' in history.
The deception - found in Psalms Chapters 120-132, is the seven 'song of degrees'. The critical number is 6. He tells us that the seventy one (71) Selahs and one (1) Higgaion" produced nine (9) or completion of the spiritual work accomplished by the masses singing in unison the six degrees of tonal frequencies.
The six notes of the Solfeggio compares closely to the meanings of the words and overall message in the recovered hymn to John the Baptist. 144,000 enlightened people need to sing these frequencies to bring about the transformation of the planet.
Another deception told to Joey by Jeshua in a visit about the clock we use. The Roman clock we use is upsidedown and should have the twelfth hour at bottom. If we use the correct clock given to mankind by God (Genesis 1:5 and John 11:9) the left and right brain function will improve as will people's spiritual receptivity. This thesis was additional supported by the number codes discovered in the Bible.
As a side note, a lightbeing I communicate with myself told us that if you are right-handed and normally do everything with one hand, you should make the effort to use both hands equally when you can which will develop the other side of the brain and assist in developing the receptivity of spiritual understanding.
Joey tells us on page 173 that the Romans and the Catholic church, by changing the language from Hebrew and Greek to Latin basically dumbed down the people and they had little chance to recover their divine link. Coupled with the upsidedown Roman clock, humanity has really been deceived.
Jeshua told Joey that humanity is going 'tock tick' instead of 'tick tock'.
As a reminder, we are told "These previously secret sound frequencies, or electromagnetic vibrations are likely the primary ones associated with the matrix of creation and destruction. That is, they were likely the frequencies used by God to form the cosmos in six days as well as the tones required to shatter Jericho's great wall in 6 days.
MI for miracles = 528 - is the exact frequency used by genetic engineers throughout the world to repair DNA.
Articles by Michael Lawrence Morton
Article One: The Face' at Cydonia on Mars
Article Two: Rennes Le Chateau and Bethlehem
Article Three: "Faces" On Earth And Mars
Article Four: Major Discovery - Phi, 18 And Poussin's Secret
The Panther Mound and Sphinx Connection
By Michael Lawrence Morton
First Article: Carl P. Munck and Zecharia Sitchin
RE : The Great Sphinx
Second Article: Another Sphinx Mystery (and Panther Mound)
Dream of the Gematrian Wheel and Carl Munck's Response
By Joseph E. Mason
The King's Chamber and the Sarcophagus
of the Great Pyramid
By Michael Lawrence Morton
with Contributions from James Furia and Joseph E. Mason
Three Articles:
The Sphinx, Two Fountains Of Youth,
And The King's Chamber
By James Furia
Looking At Coral Castle
By Michael Lawrence Morton
It is Painfully Obvious
There is a Unified Theory
in the Mathematical Grid of the Ancient Ones
by James Furia
The Crop Circle Connection
by Joseph E. Mason
The Great Sphinx Knows Earth's 'Polar Dimensions'
by Michael Lawrence Morton
Some Pittsburgh Area 'Code Sites'
by Michael Lawrence Morton
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania "Code" Connections
by Michael Lawrence Morton
(an article about the newly-discovered Miami Stone Circle)
Miami: The home Of The Mayans?
by Dee Finney
With Decoding by Michael Lawrence Morton
Looking At Coral Castle
By Dee Finney with Michael Lawrence Morton
The Four Principles Of Creation by John Payne
... Those devices are working on pure sound. Frequencies in these machines produce sound
that only the pests can hear, but it is absolutely repelling to them. ...
Sound Frequency Therapy by Rick Nation
... of art and science into a creation which provides a relaxed, meditative state of
mind for the application of a multi-wave exposure to sound wave frequencies. ... sound_frequency_therapy_by_rick_.htm -
The Holographic Universe
... for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our ...
a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of ... CREATION INDEX ... -
Creation and Healing With Harmonic Sound
... Every creature plays its unique and specialized role in creation of the ... Harmonics
of full spectrum sound 'fill the gaps' where frequencies are missing, and ... -
Enchanted Mind - Creative Harmonics
... Sound is the very essence and backdrop of creation. All of creation is energy vibrating
at different frequencies and sound is the primordial frequency. ... -
Sound Frequencies
... Carlson's research indicates that these sound frequencies increase the ... that, independent
of the sound-stoma phenomenon ... in mind that the Creation Evidence Museum ... -
Crop Circle News: Articles, Pictures, Information, Theory, History ...
Sounds, Crop Circle creation, and Planetary Healing. ... Jenny’s experiments have shown
that sound frequencies have the propensity to call into arrangement random ... sections/index.php?op=printpage&artid=22
crop circles and sound 2
Jenny also provided a physical connection to the creation of crop circles ... researcher
George Smith found that exposing corn to sound frequencies produced a ... cropcirclesandsound2.htm
Psychoacoustics, the physiological impact of music and sound on ...
... Gating refers to the creation of a ... so it unexpectedly jumps between the high and
low frequencies. ... to listen to, the net effect of this sound treatment is ... -
The Sacred Geometry of Sound
... the rainbow, the octave of seven tones — indeed, all of Creation — is a singing
matrix of frequencies that can be experienced as color, sound, matter, and ... -
exposure of the truth
... Code A single Code card, taps the Divine Mother energy of creation. ... There are sound
frequencies (specific Hertzian notation) incorporated into some of the ... whatissacredgeometryandwhypayattentiontoit.msnw
... have taught that sound holds the key to the mysteries of the universe, to the creation
and sustaining of ... The danger of sound or frequencies being primarily ...
Therapy Information
... To enable an understanding of how Sound Healing works ... to realise that everything
in creation is actually ... in fact energy forms vibrating at very low frequencies. ... -
Power of Harmonics & Chanting
... is the statement "In the Beginning was the word"- the creation of the ... such as plastics,
liquids and pastes that were exposed to different sound frequencies. ...
... Resonance: What are the expected frequencies of the resonator ... Reflection, refraction,
diffraction of sound waves ... of these play a role in the creation of sounds ... -
The Four Principles Of Creation by John Payne
... How do you counteract this insidious invasion by sound? You do this by being conscious
of frequencies that disrupt your body's own rate of resonance ...
... Gating refers to the creation of a random sonic event ... it unexpectedly jumps between
the high and low frequencies. ... to, the net effect of this sound treatment is ... -
In the beginning was "The Word"
... into heat and radio waves, and sound frequencies and still ... that you cannot hear them
in realms of sound. ... How to Visualize the Creation of a Spiritual Hierarchy ... -
Heartherapy - Resonant Journeys - Kimba - Latest Release
... encoded in these CDs is to provide frequencies that allow for the creation of sacred ...
Sound work greatly assists in the integration process—it is gentle ... -
Doorways in Consciousness: Part 1
... in the Rg Veda correlates to the creation of heaven ... extension, in a universe formed
from sound, Purusa divided must exist as millions of frequencies in eternal ... -
Sound Intentions - sacred sound healing
... sound vibration, even though the actual frequencies involved are ... Sound appears to
be a "shaper" that structures ... This view is echoed by many Creation myths: In ... -
The creation of musical scales, part I
... numbers and mathematic plays a part in creation of the ... are two ways to calculate
ratios of frequencies: 1) One ... they are, and when adding two sound ratios one ... -
The Power of Sound to Heal, to Create New Life by Sandra Cosentino ...
... heal when entities vibrating at different frequencies come into ... to the highest intensity
which is sound which is ... This is the power of creation such as occurs ... -
BioAcoustics, Sound Health Research Institute, Sharry Edwards ...
... with education and research in Sound Health and, as an organization, leaves specific
frequencies to their ... That creation of property deserves to be respected ...
Ani Williams - Geometry, Music and Healing
... All of Creation is a singing matrix of frequencies, which can be experienced
as color, sound, matter and states of consciousness. ... -
Kabbalah, crop circles, geomancy
... StarWheel Foundation, AYA is currently working on the creation of a ... the principles
of Sacred Geometry, quantum physics and sound frequencies, this technology ... SacGeoarchive/presenter.html
Mantra Yoga, The Science Of Sound, Spirituality and Speech,
... to go mad, by sounds which vibrate at certain frequencies. ... force, out into the world,
with every sound we utter ... The creation of a persons ego is a linking up of ... -
The Sound of Bells - Glossary
... Different modes give rise to different partial frequencies in the ... The overall effect
or quality of a bell's sound. ... Virtual pitch The creation by the ear of a ... -
Ancient Healing Codes Revealed in Bible
... reportedly related to ancient music and the physics of creation, have been ... the codes
revealed a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies that correspond ... healing_codes/Healing_Codes_Press_Release.html
Science: Light and Sound Vibration Theorys
... Sound Measures Ocean Temperature. ... and electroshock Targeting: Short range Frequencies:
VHF HF ... Local production Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg ... -
Spiritual Awakening: Self Inquiry and the multidimensional Self
... practice of working with inner sound frequencies, known as ... (A guided meditation on
the sound current is ... sacred geometries and possibilities for all creation. ... a/Spiritual_Awakening/id/1936 -
Sound Wave Energy - Healing the mental, emotional, spiritual, and ...
... Each musician (or part of the body), is important in its Divine Expression for
the creation of the symphony. ... Sound Wave Energy Frequencies. ...
Luca Pavan Home Page
... The spazialization has been obtained with the creation of a circular movement of
sounds: if the higher frequencies of a sound are progressively eliminated one ... -
Sound Solutions, Part II
... ceiling components, sound masking systems contribute to the creation of work ... the
effectiveness of a material in absorbing sound over several frequencies. ...'97/SoundSol.html -
Bob Dougherty: Dichotic Pitch
... Creation of a dichotic pitch stimulus begins with two copies ... To the listener, this
will sound like a "ball of ... phases of a narrow band of frequencies, say 490 ... research/dpDemos/dichoticPitch.php -
About Sound and Toning
... It has the absolute Power of Creation when utilized ... of how to "play" the dimensional
frequencies through the ... As the voice clears … the sound may develop the ... about_sound_andtoning_maintext.htm
Natural Mystery
... and senses in different ways.Extreme ranges of sound frequencies can heal and ... The
Conscious Creation Journal : Bristol Cancer ...
Sound: Midwife to Mandelbrot
... pulses of this Sound (or harmonics of it) remain within a Formation subsequent to
its creation. Specific frequencies within this full-spectrum Sound have been ...
codes and tones
... that appear to the conscious 3-dimensional mind as frequencies of SOUND, spectra
of ... mind becomes empowered to participate in conscious co-creation with the ...
Mathematics With Sound & Waves
... The Sound and Waves experiments present a powerful ... Relationships between waves,
frequencies, and resonances illuminate the ... a purpose in the creation of sound. ...
4-3-94 - DREAM - I was dreaming that someone was taking me for a ride in a car. I asked to be taken to the library. In the library, I picked out two smallish books. The blue one was Psalms, written so as to read one every day. The yellow one was "Meditations" and included music written so to work on one page a day.
In the morning, I woke up in my 16th St. house and I went to look if the dream was real and it was. I actually had the books in the house.
I wanted to tell Joe the maintenance man about it because I was so excited about this. I saw Joe coming into the back door from the yard. I had the books in my hand.
NOTE: I collected books on Psalms. I have many of them, but obviously I didn't read them carefully enough to find the keys that Joey did.
The 216 - 3:16's of the Bible
... and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams ... in you
richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns ... -
... ever: Psalms 136, verse 9. ... htm. METHODS OF HEALING - THE DREAM AND THE REALITY
... See ... ... -
Predictive Outline of Ideas About the Great Change
... (see Psalms 92:10) The ... It is God's Dream for mankind. ... Postscript. Many of the details
of these 28 points are listed on various pages on ...
... The dream then went into another room where we were being taught to make a structure ...
the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in His glory." Psalms 102:16 ... -
The Bleeding Heart of Jesus - My Funny Nose -
... The Psalms (Holy Bible) - 563k - 2001-02 ... - 155k - 2002-02-03 DREAM - THE LINE ...
... Genesis 41:6, 23, 27; Ezekiel 27:26; Psalms 78:26). ...
mexsun.gif (Tablet 988 ... ... SMALL POX - THE DREAM AND THE REALITY. ... ... -
... Book of Psalms 105:40 - They asked, and He brought quail, And satisfied them with ...
American traditions the owl is regarded as the bringer of the dream, but also ... -
... This is from this page: ... NOTE: After I had this
dream, my spiritual teacher told me to take the trumpets and put ... The Psalms. ... -
... His father rebuked him and said, "What is this dream that you have had? ... Psalms
11~the righteous suffer to atone for sin and are rewarded in the world to come . ...
... See: for the rest of the article.
After the vision, I then fell asleep and went into a dream: ... -
... 5-7-2001 - NAP DREAM - I was deliberately thinking about the Ark of the ... I wrote down with great difficulty but I got it on the piece ... The Psalms. ... -
... Perfect PSALMS 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the ... Note:
It seems that the broken dog chain in the dream could represent the broken ...
... Url Address: ... The dream was very real. ... Psalms
116.6 stated “The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he ... -
ET Government Considering "Major or Epic Land Shift"
... As tonight's dream so aptly illustrated, it is necessary for each of us to stop
playing our ... [Note: Here they appear to be using the metaphor of Psalms 23:5 ... -
... work, eat, sleep, dream, work, eat, sleep, dream, just like everyone else ... Psalms
97 (1)"The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be ... -
The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three
... complete and perfect in its three-fold division--Law, Prophets, and Psalms (Luke
24 ... of a trinity which made me part of the spiritual, dream, physical connection ... -
... I would have bought it, so I could sing the psalms. ... SEE:
finch/finches.htm. ... 3-26-03 - DREAM - I had the 1st portion of the dream - 3 ... -
... ... 4-3-94 - DREAM - I was dreaming that someone
was taking me for ... The blue one was Psalms, written so as to read one every ...
... 10-3-02 - DREAM - I was in a large house, getting ready for a big event to occur. ...
The regular hours of prayer, as we may infer from Psalms 55:17 and Daniel 6:10 ... -
... As tonight's dream so aptly illustrated, it is necessary ... to be using the metaphor
of Psalms 23:5 ... FROM: - GETTING READY ... -
... The seven psalms of penitence: 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, 142 ... The seven thin and fat
cows, as well as the seven full and empty corns, seen in dream by the Pharaoh ... -
... Love, Light, and Joy. Dee. 10-15-97 - THE DREAM. I was at 20th St. school in the
basement. ... Psalms 89:6 "… who among them can be likened unto the Lord?"). ... -
... after I had the dream: ... The same double aspect is to be noted in the passage in the
Psalms, where, falling again into idolatry, the Israelites are said to have ... -
... by Dee Finney. 9-25-2001. 9-25-2001 - DREAM - I was outside with a large group of
people. There was going to be a picnic. ... Psalms 37:23; Ephesians 4:14, 15, 23. ... -
... they are utterly consumed with terrors. 73:20 As a dream when [one] awaketh; [so],
O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image. PSALMS. ... -
... ZYGON TAPE - SAME DREAM - I was in a corner windowed room that had brown shades
on the ... of wealth and position at Bethlehem (1 Samuel 17:17,18,20; Psalms 78:71 ...
... The Americans - who were called in to help monitor. Joe's Dream Voice Message
#132: 132. ... Psalms 132: 1 - 18 1 A song for the ascent to Jerusalem. ...
... See: Dream of Rectangles: These numbers are also included in the energies and
frequencies of how the body works. ... Life Lessons: Book of Psalms. By: Max Lucado. ...
... DREAM #2 - I was cleaning on the 7th level and when I was done I saw a square ... chapter,
the 7th verse, or one of its multiples: Genesis 14:18-20, 22; Psalms 7:17 ... -
... has become the cornerstone" {Matthew 21:42 and Psalms 118:22 ...
constellations/17-fish.htm. In your dream, the robe worn by the person with deep ...
... 5-19-02 - DREAM - I realized it was Thursday and I was supposed to be at work and
I was hoping they wouldn't fire me for ... Reciting of Hallel (Psalms of praise). ... -
... 7-29-02 - DREAM - I was sitting in a car with a blond woman who was doing the driving.
A dark haired girl we called Carol was sitting in the back seat. ...
... It was really pretty. 8-11-2001 - DREAM - I was sitting in the office of our apartment
building in Milwaukee, WI. ... The Davidic quotation is from Psalms 80:1. ... -
... 8-13-2002 - DREAM - I was living in an apartment in the Executive Building of ... those
who identified the cause of African freedom with this prophecy in Psalms. ... -
... Psalms 98, verse 9. ... 8: He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found:
yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night. ...
Logo by Gary Val Tenuta
Bible Confirms Conspiracy not Theory, but FACT
I John 2:18-19, "Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists; confirming Messiah has been. Once these Antichrists worshiped with us but they were never of us; for were they elect and sealed to the day of their redemption they would have remained with us, they withdrew so that God could clearly show us that they were not all of us".
The Bible prophesies the warfare between God and Satan. Each is building a spiritual kingdom or church. God is building His tiny Church in those who live by a clear understanding of the Word for THEIR day. Satan's huge church is not walking in the Light of the PRESENT Truth but impersonating the Word for a day gone by. "So close it would deceive the very elected IF it were possible" (Matthew 24:24). But the elect of God cannot be deceived on the revealed Word their lives are expressing. So we see the Antichrist isn't Communism or Buddhism, it's FALSE Christianity.
I John 2:19 says that the Antichrist is made-up of church-goers. Sincere clean-living God-loving folk "having a form of Godliness but denying the faith" (II Timothy 3:5), making the Word of God of no effect to themselves because the ONLY part of God's Word He can fulfill is the part prophesied for THIS day.
Who killed Jesus? The denominations of His day. He said, "I was wounded in the house of My friends". Who put Christ OUTSIDE the church in THIS day? The Pentecostal or Laodicean denominations -- and all the rest of them. Who will kill the foolish virgin and the 144,000 elect Israelites? The denominational churches now uniting together for the second crucifixion of the Word.
Why did Jesus promise to send we Gentiles a prophet at the end of the Laodicean Age? To RESTORE the apostolic faith (Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 11:17), FINISH the mystery of God (Acts 3:23; Revelation 10:7), and call His people OUT from Rome and her (once) Protestant image. Why? So we would not partake Rome's sins and receive not of her plagues during the tribulation" (Revelation 18:4).
Matthew 25:6 says BOTH wise and foolish virgin come OUT from Roman Catholicism AND her harlot daughters into oneness or agreement with the Word as Jesus prayed (Matthew 24:28, II Thessalonians 2:1, Ephesians 1:10 and 4:13, John 17:21). If we truly are "at one" with Him, we won't require a Mediator. So this could not occur until Christ completed His mediatorial role and fulfilled Revelation 4, 5 and 10:1-7, revealing the mystery of what the seven thunders uttered -- the Voice of God -- John and Daniel were instructed to "seal up the vision and prophecy until the time of the end".
If Jesus said both wise AND foolish virgin would come OUT from the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal and all other sects and isms, rejecting their teachings for the faith of the Bible, are you a denominational harlot to the Word? Do you suppose as one church-goer informed me, "Jesus did not include the Anglican church?" That it's O.K!
The ONLY way one could be born-again in any Age was by becoming a written epistle of the Word God revealed to that Age (I John 1:7). In every Age He admonished, "He who is Spiritual, receive what the Spirit is saying to the elect and nominal churches of YOUR day".
Is the Anglican Church O.K.? The Anglican church is IMPERSONATING the Sardis Church Age that ENDED in 1750. They're almost as blind as Israel. When an Anglican preacher called John Wesley was born-again he began declaring the truth of Scriptural holiness, and the Anglican church threw him out of their pulpit and he had to preach in the hay markets where they traded in fodder. The Anglicans had no need of John Wesley but God used him mightily. He was the angel of the Philadelphian Church Age.
The Anglicans rejected the Philadelphia and Laodicean Church Ages. And now after all Seven Church Ages have ended, they're rejecting this holy convocation where Christ is preparing His Bride in the fullness of the Word for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. Yet speaking on behalf of 75 million Anglicans in his Millennium message, Archbishop Carey declared no one in his church can be certain of Christ's resurrection. And the Anglican church is supposed to be "O.K."!!!
The Anglican church has been apostate for centuries, "and knows it not". It's Antichrist. "They once worshiped with us but they were never of us, for were they elect and sealed to the day of their redemption they would have remained with us, but they withdrew so that God could demonstrate to His elect that they were not all of us". We are the little local assembly with no Head but Christ, no law but love and no Book but the Bible. Our pastor is ordained of God and responsible to Him alone.
Satan transforms his messengers into ministers of the Gospel to deceive those who are NOT the elect of God. His church is the big multinational conglomerate that feeds the hungry, houses the aged, educates the young, builds hospitals for the sick and such-like, God NEVER told His Church to do. And sends missionaries around the globe, proselytizing their FALSE salvation message.
Now the daughter churches who had a spat with the great harlot and walked out, are returning to the mother church. The Holy Spirit is FIRST binding the thorns are briars ready for the burning. Binding them through Vatican II's Charismatic Renewal (so-called) that is impersonating Laodicea which ended in 1963, Ecumenism (which is accursed of God -- Amos 3:3), the Communistic World Council of Churches, etc. But hallelujah! God sent us a prophet with warning before judgment, and a way of escape.
In the Ephesian Church Age (53-170) the spirit of Antichrist with the "deeds of the Nicolaitanes" transferred pre-eminence from the Word to a hierarchy of clerics who usurped Christ's place as Mediator. Man-made man-led organization replaced the leadership of the Holy Spirit, bringing the natural church under the dominion of Satan by carnal reasoning against the faith.
In the Smyrnean Church Age (170-312), the hatred of the false vine increased. They separated themselves from the company of the true. They went out from them, being liars. The early Church was made-up almost entirely of Hebrew converts. The twelve apostles were Israelites, making them the original members of His Body, and the later apostles were either Israelites of proselytes. Thus for men to swear they were Jews would give them a preeminence and claim to originality. But they were neither Israelites nor were they God's elect. Jesus called them "the synagogue of Satan". Did He destroy them? No. "Let them alone and both will go to the harvest."
"But Lord they should be destroyed for they're destroying Your people. They're killing them."
"No, let them alone. But to My Bride I say, `Be faithful unto death. Love Me even more'."
In the Pergamean Age (312-606) the "deeds" of the nicolaitanes became "doctrine" at the First Nicea Council where the Roman Catholic church organized in AD325. This false church united with the state and the Antichrist spirit was crowned as "Vicarius Filii Dei" that adds to 666, the number of a man. It means "instead of" or "substitute for the Son of God". Thus the Pope deposed the Holy Spirit.
Whereas once the Roman state persecuted Christians, now it was the Roman FALSE church with state backing that persecuted Christ's little flock. I'm not suggesting all martyrs of the Roman church were correct in their doctrine, but if you read your history books you will see these Christian martyrs were NOT Trinitarian. NEITHER were they Arians (Unitarians).
The Trinity of gods and FALSE water baptism in the Titles Father, Son and Holy Ghost were the foundational doctrines of Rome. Their Bible-denying Apostles' Creed was written two hundred years after the death of the original apostles to brain-wash blind converts. With armed might, Rome evangelized at the point of a sword. All who did not accept her blasphemous religion were killed; the books and essays of Christian men were put to the torch and after almost a thousand years of bloody murder, the (one and only) faith was lost, being it was in the hearts of the saints who were murdered. This ignorance led to the "Dark Ages" in Europe.
Finally, God converted a Catholic priest called Martin Luther. The Reformation, which had long been simmering, now had a leader. It lasted from 1520-1963, encompassing the Sardis, Philadelphian and Laodicean Church Ages and is more correctly "the Reformation of the Roman Catholic SYSTEM of FALSE worship".
The Reformers failed to restore the Church back to the faith of Pentecost, the ONLY Church Jesus established, and the ONLY Church He recognizes as His Own. Because of ignorance, they only took it back to the First Nicea Council. But this was where Rome organized and where the church fell for Satan's lie as Eve fell in Eden. Instead of remaining a virgin to the Word, she prostituted herself by hybreeding with the word of men: Trinities, catechisms, creeds, and false water baptisms, as Eve prostituted herself with Satan's lie and hybrid with the Serpent.
We have said that the Bible is God's foreknowledge of the warfare with Satan. It is a Book of prophecy. Jesus said. "The evidence of being born-again is that the Holy Spirit will reveal things that will come to pass in YOUR dispensation" (John 16:13). So if we are Christians God will reveal His program. We become written epistles by manifesting what His Word foretold we would do in THIS day. The Bible also discloses the Enemy's plans, and what he will actually achieve in OUR day.
Being infinite, God is omniscient. Knowing all things He is not now learning or even taking counsel with Himself. God will NEVER have a new thought. All His thoughts He has had from the foundation of the world when creation and "time" began. Thus He knows the plans of the Enemy, and the Bible records His knowledge of Satan's conspiracies against Christ and Christians.
Satan is no disorganized fool. He is the father of technology and intellectual organization as attested in the genealogy of Cain in Genesis 4. God called Satan, "the sum of wisdom" (Ezekiel 28:11). Like any military strategist, Satan's battles are planned well in advance. His permanent dynastic administrations on earth pursue these long-term plans without interruption through the centuries. Paul calls them "principalities and powers".
Being "dynastic", these administrations continue in perpetuity and proceed with their plans over centuries unimpeded by mortality. What are some of these dynasties? Royal families, the Aristocracy, Judaism, Roman Catholicism and the (once) Protestant churches, corporations, trusts and foundations, secret societies like Free Masons, the Council for Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Royal Institute of International Affairs, political parties, trades unions, international socialism, university faculties, government bureaucracies, professions and professional bodies. All of these dynasties have been infiltrated and corrupted.
Satan has a long-term plan for taking totalitarian control of this world. He will accomplish his plan for a brief span of time. Jesus said, "All the world will worship Satan". In Matthew 4:8-9, Satan offered his New World (secular) Order to Jesus if He would worship him. The United States and Protestantism will enforce this Devil-worship (Revelation 13). Communism denies the faith, but does not have "a form of godliness". Communism has been raised up by God to destroy the apostate church as He raised up Nebuchadnezzar to destroy apostate Judah.
This confirms Adam Weishaupt's plan, already verified by Mazzini, Pike, Lemmi and Lenin, that the Vatican will be allowed to survive and control a billion souls, until those who direct the synagogue of Satan decide it is time to involve all Christians (so-called) in the final cataclysm with the peoples controlled by atheistic Communism. Catholicism is the Antichrist. Brother Branham revealed that when Satan is finally cast down from heaven at the close of the Gentile dispensation, he'll incarnate the Pope.
People are mistaken who say the Antichrist is atheistic Communism. Communism is a tool. Satan is not an atheist. Jesus said, "Demons BELIEVE there is ONE God, and tremble" (James 2:19). Demons know there is no Trinity. Satan is religious and desires worship. He has been contending from the garden for the glory due Michael (who is Christ). Satan believes in God. He was with God in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9) and now enters the Presence to accuse the Brethren (Job 1:7; Revelation 12:10). Satanists or Luciferians are not atheists. Like the Jews, Cathars, Manichaeans and Freemasons, they are dualist, believing God and Lucifer are co-equal.
Prophets such as Daniel, Zechariah, Jesus and Brother Branham tell us that behind New Testament or Western history is rivalry between the Satan's main forces represented by the apostate Roman Catholic church and self-styled Jews, contending for world domination. In a recent Newsletter we discussed these two Babylons.
Major wars and revolutions have had little to do with citizens of the warring nations except insofar as they have forsaken the Word, and perish fighting the Devil's wars through "lack of knowledge". These hostilities were all planned years ahead of the conflict: to kill Christians, destroy the social and political structure of Western society, enslave us to the money power (usury) of the Synagogue of Satan, pervert our morals, and pollute the churches with unbelief.
In this Satan has succeeded, his churches cast Christ out in 1963. They are naked of the Blood and know it not. Very soon he will be worshiped. And even now they worship him through hybrid religion (Revelation 22:18-19).
Paul said, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12). But most people cannot see beyond the natural, visible world, and being without Spiritual knowledge they allow themselves to be duped in fighting the devil's wars against their duped nominal Christian fellows.
In 1871, a military blue print was prepared for three world wars, and three major revolutions, top Free Mason and Luciferian General Albert Pike considered would bring the age-old conspiracy to its final stage in the twentieth century with ALL international organizations and groups FINANCED, DIRECTED, and CONTROLLED by Illuminati agents at the top.
In World War I, Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis), producing Communism and the League of Nations (synthesis).
In World War II, Democracy and Communism (thesis) faced Fascism and Nazism (antithesis), resulting in the UN (Synthesis).
In the Cold War, Capitalism (thesis) faced Communism (antithesis) and the result will be the totalitarian NWO (synthesis).
Thus, whilst Karl Marx (Mordecai) was writing the Communist Manifesto under the direction of one group of Illumanists, Karl Ritter was writing the Nazi antithesis under the direction of another group of Illuminists. The conspirators at the top could write the "big picture", as infamous Australian ex-Prime Minister Keating would say, because they manage BOTH sides of any conflict, using the differences between two ideologies to start dividing larger and larger numbers of human beings into opposing camps so they can be armed and made to destroy each other, together with their political and religious institutions.
(This is called Hegelian dialectics. I witnessed a classic example on ABC Radio National today (August 5, 1999). Rabbi Apple of the Great Synagogue in Sydney was responding to Roman Cardinal Clancey regarding a statement released by the Vatican explaining Pope Pius XII's alleged action or lack of action during World War II to aid Jewish victims of the "holocaust". Both Rome and the Jews have to play this game of lies. BOTH sides are liars and must continue the deception or lose their power base. Rome could not expose the lies of the Jews, who have the upper hand in anything to do with Showa (holocaust) business, (and what a business it is), because their clever propaganda has created an illusion of reality Rome dare not expose. Ah, Hollywood! It's a grand game, while it lasts.
Nevertheless, Rome will win the contest with the self-styled Jews. Rome has the numbers. Daniel and Jesus have declared the winner. These Satanic dupes and masters of Hegelian dialectics, who use their Jewish and Roman Catholic supporters as expendable cannon fodder in the power play, fail to see how Satan is using them in a Hegelian dialectic. Once they have served their purpose, Satan will destroy them both).
Communism, Nazism, Political Zionism and other international movements were to be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions.
World War I was to be fought to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers and Christian empire of the Tsars in Russia, and change the country to a Jewish State and fortress of atheistic Communism. Brother Branham said, "There's only one percent of all Russia that's Communism. They need a messenger -- ninety-nine percent of them are still on the Christian side. One percent. Now, how can one percent control ninety-nine percent? That ought to explain it to you right there. If God didn't permit it, they'd be thrown out long ago".
Defeating the Ottoman empire, opened the possibility of redrawing all borders in the Middle East to ensure continual friction among the Arabs, and for approval of the Balfour Declaration, (the price of America's entry into the War) which laid the ground for Zionist colonization of Palestine. The establishment of a Jewish State is incidental to the molding of events and governments to procure a World Dominion or NWO for "Israel". The differences stirred up by the agents of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were used to foment this war.
Communism and Nazism were to be used, together with anti-Semitism, to foment World War II. It was to end with the destruction of Nazism as a world power, because it would by then have served its purpose. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken nations.
In 1933 God showed Brother Branham there would be "three great "isms" -- Fascism, Nazism and Communism. They'll wind up in one ism, and that one ism will dominate the world and will burn the Vatican City. Watch Russia, the king of the North. Communism will destroy Catholicism." But Christians have nothing to fear from Communism, our look-out is Rome and her daughter churches.
Agents of "The City of London" designed British foreign policy, built Japan's naval and military forces and established her industry in order to prevent China's development as an independent power. They allowed the Japanese to invade and occupy much of China. This was a deliberate ploy to set up the conditions that would provoke the Communist Revolution in China following the Second World War.
In return for Japan's friendship "The City" promised her Germany's Caroline, Marshall and Marianna islands, as well as their trading and naval bases on China's Shantung Peninsula in the settlement after World War I. However at the Treaty-signing Zionist agents in America prevented Britain from fulfilling her agreement, alienated Japan, and eventually provoked her entry into the Second World War on the side of Germany.
World War II was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Nazism would be employed as a tool to isolate Jews from the West where they were assimilating, and draw them together as tools for the third and last World War planned by the Illuminati. Nazism and the British Empire were to be destroyed so International Communism could be spread in Eastern Europe and the former British Colonies. Communism was to be built up until it equaled the strength of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. This is precisely what Roosevelt and Churchill accomplished.
The emergence of the State of Israel requires that the Zionists of all races stand up to be counted in the conduct of world affairs. During World War II the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established and so the Middle East would become the strategic center of the world (as New York would emerge as the center of world financial control).
World War II was transformed into the so-called Cold War, whose casualties by way of massacre, famine and deportations run in the millions. In Vietnam, a failed experiment in depopulation, the bombing rate massively exceeded for many months that of any stage of the Second World War. This continuing devastation of the world was sustained primarily by the industrial and productive power of the USA, which appeared in the contest as the opponent of the USSR, although both countries are controlled and financed by the same International Bankers.
The agents of the Illuminati increasingly control the governments of the more significant countries of the world. The conditions for successive and major crises are created and maintained. The means to deal with each crisis as it arises are in the hands of Zionist Jews, directly or indirectly: and their use granted only to the highest bidder in the surrender of power or the guarantee of its use in the interests of Jewry.
In times past, control of money, gold and credit was the primary weapon of these people. But the money myth has been exploded, and legal control of raw materials is essential to the pursuit of this policy to a final and successful issue. Genuine unfettered private property of any description is absolutely fatal to it.
Thanks to their racial qualities, the Khazars are the strategists and directors of the World Revolutionary Movement (WRM) from which they, almost alone derive advantage. However the bid for world power has attracted to its inner direction, evil men lusting for power from around the world, forming a directorship of quite diverse origins.
World War III is to be fomented by using the differences agents of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists (that's America, Britain, Australia, etc.,) and the leaders of the Moslem world, playing-up the real and supposed differences between Israel and the Arab states. The partition of Moslem Pakistan and Bangladesh from India is a part of forward-planning for this war. Likewise creation (by the CIA) of Indonesia to Australia's north. This war is to be directed in such a way that Islam and Political Zionism will destroy themselves, while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
After three global wars and two major revolutions, the United States would remain the only world power, but, during the third revolution which Pike said would be the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known, the US was to be disintegrated by internal treachery, and fall into the hands of the Luciferian conspirators. As Lenin said, "Like over-ripe fruit".
Adam Weishaupt was succeeded as leader of the World Revolutionary Movement in turn by Moses Holbrook, Pike, Mazzini, Lemmi, Lenin, Manuilsky and Alister Crowley. The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German and American International Bankers. Like Nimrod's usurers, and the Money-Changers of Christ's day, today's International Bankers are tools or agents of the Illuminati.
On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War III is ended, the aspirants to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known:-
"We shall unleash the Nihilists (who oppose all constitutional authority, religious and moral principles) and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time".
That will be the third and last of the three planned revolutions, the Russian and Chinese Revolutions were the first and second. The First and Second World Wars so carefully planned in 1871, happened precisely according to the script. Christendom is now destitute of faith as foretold in Revelation 3:17-20 and II Timothy 3-4, ready for the World War III and the final revolution.
Satan has given the world George W. Bush Jr., Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and John Howard, among the underlings lusting for favor from the World Revolutionary Movement to help accomplish his plans. But God has sent us a prophet with warning and a way of escape before World War III can materialize. God will intervene to cause a great upset in nature, marking the end of the Gentile dispensation, for the First Resurrection and manifestation of the sons of God.
We who know the plan of the enemy should know what to expect as he prepares for World War III between the Political Zionists and the Muslim world. This conflict will be precipitated by an earthquake that sinks Los Angeles and splits the Mount of Olives. The Moslems will not want to see the Dome of the Rock (which will be destroyed by the earthquake) replaced with a new Jewish Temple. Communism is not dead, and according to Daniel, Russia will support this Muslim attack on Jerusalem. Simultaneously Russian forces will attack and invade mainland USA.
The Bible foretold these things thousands of years ago. Satan's plans surfaced through Amschel Meyer Rothschild. His dynasty has executed them EXACTLY as intended over hundreds of years.
Jesus said, the evidence of the baptism with the Holy Ghost, which is the new birth that makes one a Christian, is that He will show us these things (John 16:13). Knowing what must come to pass in our dispensation removes all doubt and fear, giving we Christians "the rest of God that exceeds natural understanding" (Philippians 4:7). nl083.htm
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Brother Anthony Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister. He has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in various countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to minister in your church.
For Further Information Contact:
Bible Believers' Church
Currabubula, NSW 2342, Australia
Revelation 2:6, "Thou hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate."
God loves, but He also hates. He hates sin because it is so deadly. "The wages of sin is death." Every true Christian must hate sin and deception.
Who were the Nicolaitanes? What was their doctrine that Christ twice stated He hated? Revelation 2:6, 15.
Historic view: go to top
The Nicolaitanes were a group of professed Christians who believed in a community of wives. When "Thou shall not commit adultery" was quoted, their favourite reply was "We are not under law, but under grace." They claimed they were free from the law and that the Ten Commandments are not binding on Christians.
"The Nicolaitanes were persons who excused certain forms of impurity, and made the grace God a cloak for lasciviousness. This belief is known as Antinomianism, which means that the gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace. That means there is no need for SANCTIFICATION.
The Nicolaitanes were the Antinomians of the Asiatic Church. They didn't care about how they were living morally daily and their conduct were little thought of. They believed that the faith they professed was everything. (Therefore not needing to live their lives in accordance to what they believed in)
"The existence of a sect called Nicolaitanes in the second century is attested by Irenaeus, Tertullian and Clement of Alexander." The Commentary for Schools, Edited by C. J. Ellicott, DD.
"Their doctrines and lives were equally corrupt. They allowed the most abominable lewdness, (behaving in obscene manner) and adulteries, as well as sacrificing to idols. John Wesley, Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament on Revelation 2:6
Nicolaitanes taught and practiced "Ritualism without spirituality, knowledge without practice. Justification by faith without holiness." Dr. Angus, Bible Handbook.
This dangerous heresy was being taught in the church of Ephesus, the church of the first century. Jude 1:4, warns of ungodly men who were "turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness." Lasciviousness is "immorality" or "profligacy."
The Nicolaitanes used the grace of God as an excuse for the violation of God's law - the moral law. They denied "the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 1:4. The Nicolaitanes were willing to acknowledge Jesus as their Savior but not as their Lord and Master. In Luke 6:46 Jesus asked "Why call you me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"
It was this teaching of the Nicolaitanes in the first century that was still corrupting the church of Pergamos a few centuries later, (Revelation 2:15) that led to the changing of God's "Royal Law," the Ten Commandments.
The second commandment that forbids the worship of images was dropped from the ten. When the binding nature of that commandment was emphasized, it was lightly brushed aside with "We are not under law, but under grace," "Christians are free from the law," "We enjoy Christian liberty."
Like other followers of the Gnostic traditions, the Nicolaitanes sought hidden spiritual knowledge through mystical experiences. They believed that this knowledge alone was perfectly sufficient for salvation. They also taught that man's spiritual and physical natures are two completely separate things. This philosophy implied that they were free to commit sexual immorality and to overindulge themselves in any and every way.
The doctrine of the Nicolaitanes was all too evident.
The precepts of the Ten Commandments were not binding with respect to the Christians, and our Savior had come to destroy the law, and not to fulfill it!" God says He hates this antinomianism and commended His people of the first century for hating it too. Revelation 2:6.
There is no need to be confused over the wonderful truth of Grace. Every one who is saved is saved by Grace. Ephesians 2:8,9.
We are saved by grace through faith. It is the gift of God. It is not of works. Grace is not limited to the New Testament, but it covers all time and spans all history.
The Grace of God in the Old Testament.
* Titus 2: 11, The grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men."
* Exodus 34:6, To Moses, our Lord was "merciful and gracious."
* Exodus 25:21, Upon the Ark was the Mercy seat and inside the Ark was placed "the testimony" The Ten Commandments.
* Genesis 6:8, Before the Flood, Noah "found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
* Genesis 19:19, Lot, when saved from Sodom declared he had "found grace."
* Jonah 4:2, Jonah said, "I knew that Thou art a gracious God."
* Psalms 77:9, The Psalmist knew of God's grace.
* Exodus 33:12 "Grace"
* Exodus 33:13 "Grace,"
* Exodus 33:16 "Grace,"
* Exodus 33:17 "Grace,"
* Exodus 33:19 "Gracious."
* Exodus 34: 6 "Gracious."
* Zechariah 4:7 It shouts "Grace! Grace!"
Yet some foolishly say there is no grace in the Old Testament.
In the Old Testament people were not saved by works, but solely by Grace.
* Acts 4:12 Salvation is only through one Name Jesus.
* Romans 4:6 David was saved without works.
* Revelation 1:5 In the Glory land, all will praise Jesus for salvation through His blood.
* Revelation 5:13, Revelation 7:14.
In the Old Testament all good men walked in faith and obedience.
* Hebrews 11:4 Abel's faith and obedience,
* Hebrews 11:5 Enoch's faith and obedience,
* Hebrews 11:7 Noah's faith and obedience,
* Hebrews 11:8,9 Abraham's faith" and "obeyed,"
* Hebrews 11:23-29, "These all obtained a good report through faith."
In the New Testament, Faith and Commandments go together.
* Revelation 14:12 Faith of Jesus and the commandments of God.
* Romans 3:31 Faith establishes the law
Grace today proves the Commandments are still binding.
* No one needs grace or mercy if they have not broken the law.
* "Where there is no law there is no transgression."
* Romans 6:14,15, Sin is forbidden under grace.
* 1 John 3:4, Sin is the breaking of God's law.
* The saved man loves God's Ten Commandments.
* Romans 8:7, It is only the carnal mind that hates God's commandments.
"The doctrine is now largely taught that the gospel of Christ has made the law of God of no effect; that by "believing" we are released from the necessity of being doers of the Word. But this is the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which Christ so unsparingly condemned." Ellen G. White in "Signs of the Times," February 25, 1897.
It is our work to know our special failings and sins, which cause darkness and spiritual feebleness, and quenched our first love . . . . . Is it the sin of the Nicolaitanes, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness?" Ellen G. White, in the "Review and Herald," June 7, 1887.
Nicolaitanes, believed to be followers of Nicholas, (Nicolas -Nick - Old Nick, a name for satan - Old Saint Nick - Santa Claws - Nicolaitanes) one of the seven deacons in Acts 6:3,5 , who abused the grace of God. He became a traitor to the Gospel. As Judas, one of the twelve became a traitor, so Nicholas one of the seven, corrupted the grace of his Lord. (could also be satan-see greek word study further down)
* Psalms 1: 2, A good man - "His delight is in the law of the Lord."
* Isaiah 58:13, God's people "call the Sabbath a delight, for it is "the Lord's day," "My holy day."
* The keeping of the Commandments is solely the result of salvation
* Psalms 1:2, A good man - "His delight is in the law of the Lord."
* Isaiah 58:13, God's people "call the Sabbath a delight, for it is "the Lord's day," "My holy day."
* The keeping of the Commandments is solely the result of salvation
* Romans 3:20, No flesh is justified by law, and could not possibly be so.
* Romans 3:21, Because all have sinned, therefore our only hope is "grace," God's mercy - His undeserved favor.
* Romans 6:23, All are condemned because they have sinned.
* Acts 4:12, Therefore there is salvation in Jesus only. Saved Men Keep the Commandments.
* Matthew 19:17, Jesus said, "If you will enter into life, keep the commandments."
* John 14:15, Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
* Revelation 14:12, Jesus said, "Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
* 1 John 2:3, We know we are saved if we keep His commandments, for only the saved can obey.
* 1 John 2:4, Claiming to be saved and yet breaking the commandments is a lie.
* Revelation 22:14, The saved "Do His commandments."
* Matthew 1:21, His name is Jesus, for He saves from sin - the breaking of God's Commandments. What a Savior! What a salvation!
How is this Doctrine affecting us today? goto top
In the last days, as it was in Malachi 3:16-17, only a few think on His mighty name. Who are these "Nicolaitanes"?
A Nicolaitane, as the Greek shows, means "a follower of Nicolas." Not necessarily the deacon Nicolas of Acts 6:5, but an infamous person.
The name "Nicolas" comes from two Greek words, nikos, meaning "conqueror" or "destroyer," and laos, meaning "people" or "laity."
The original Nicolas was a conqueror or destroyer of the people, Nimrod, who led the post- Flood rebellion against God.
The modern St. Nicolas, or Santa Claus, stems from the worship of the false hero Nimrod who put himself in the place of God and had people worship him as "BAAL," that is, Master or Lord. Some continue to observe December 25, which is a continuation of the Saturnalia, the birthday of Saturn or Nimrod.
"Nicolaitanes" in the Church follow such vain customs, and also institute and practice a corrupt form of Church government based upon conquering the people and keeping them in subjection.(Elite Rulership over the "Laity"(the ordinary people) No need for SANCTIFICATION.
How prophetic for our times, when false shepherds of the Almighty's flock rule the "dumb sheep" with force and cruelty, feeding themselves with rich living while scattering the flock, Ezekiel 34:1-6. Peter warned other elders against this type of Baalism, that they should humbly serve the flock, I Peter 5:1-6.
The Bible concept is a priesthood of all believers, I Peter 2:9, a multitude of gifts in the Church, I Corinthians 12. New Testament Churches were pastured by more than one elder, Acts 14:19-23, 20:17; Titus 1:5; James 5:14.
Those who depend too much on a human spiritual leader, put that leader in place of Christ, and are shunning the true high priest in Heaven.
Beloved we need to study with the teacher, the Holy Spirit.
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." The exhortation is addressed to "He that hath an ear", or individuals, to hear - not what the Churches say to them - but what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
The fourteenth and last time that the phrase "He that hath an ear" is used is in Revelation 13:9, in connection with the Beast from the Sea. Where the Churches power has been scattered, verse 7 and Daniel 7:25, and no one can escape the worship of the Beast, except those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Rev 13:8
Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred's, and tongues, and nations.
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Thayer's/Strong's Numbers:
Act 6:5 : And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:
Strongs Numbers:
Act 6:5 : And2532 the3588 saying3056 pleased700 the(1799) whole3956 multitude:4128 and2532 they chose1586 Stephen,4736 a man435 full4134 of faith4102 and2532 of the Holy40 Ghost,4151 and2532 Philip,5376 and2532 Prochorus,4402 and2532 Nicanor,3527 and2532 Timon,5096 and2532 Parmenas,3937 and2532 Nicolas3532 a proselyte4339 of Antioch:491
Nicolas -Nick - Old Nick, a name for satan- Old Saint Nick - Santa Claws- Nicolaitans
Simply put: Traditions that take the place of truth....Taught by un-anointed men...That separated YHWH (God's) people from truth. Truth only Found in Yahushua (Jesus)...
Also, a still further transferred use of "laos" is found in the name Lao(s)diceans, compounded with dike or dice as the Greek "k" is the equivalent English "c." Thus, in the name Laodiceans, we have laos -- "people" and dice judgment, or vengeance, i.e., the people of my judgment, or of my vengeance. Also the Greek word la(ic)os means "laymen," of which laos is the root and stem, which selfsame word, with the "o" short contracted to "i", to which root and stem the plural definite article ton is joined to form laiton -- is a Greek phrase meaning "the laity."
The Bible teaches all believers are priests and have direct access to the Father through Jesus.
Not some Tele-Evangelist squeezing the last penny out of you, and draining you emotionally with false teaching. The term "Nicolaitans" is derived from two Greek words..."Nikos" and "Laos". Nikos is defined as: a conquest; victory; triumph; to conquer; and by implication, dominancy over the defeated. A good translation of Nicolaitan would be "those who prevail over the people."
The Nicolaitan movement marked the beginning of an unrighteous priesthood in the church. The first item on this spirit's agenda is to divide in order to conquer. The primary objective of the Nicolaitan spirit is the separation of the body from the Lord's provision for Spiritual leadership and the insight given through that spiritual authority.

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The Tetragrammaton occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text of both the Biblia Hebraica and Biblia Hebraica Struttgartenia It does not appear in the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, or Ester. It first appears in the Hebrew text in Genesis 2:4. The letters, properly read from right to left (in Biblical Hebrew), are:
Letter name
"W" or placeholder for "O"/"U" vowel
"H" (or often a silent letter at the end of a word)
The Tetragrammaton as represented in stained glass in an 1868 Episcopal Church in Iowa
These four letters are usually transliterated from Hebrew as IHVH in Latin, JHWH in German, French and Dutch, and JHVH/YHWH in English. This has been variously rendered as " Yahweh" or as "Jehovah", based on the Latin form of the term, while the Hebrew text does not clearly indicate the omitted vowels.
In English translations, it is often rendered in capital and small capital letters as "the Lord", following Jewish tradition which reads the word as "Adonai" ("Lord") out of respect for the name of God and the interpretation of the commandment not to take the name of God in vain. The word "haŠem", 'the Name' is also used in Jewish contexts; in Samaritan, "Šemå" is the normal substitution.
It has often been proposed that the name YHWH is etymologically a third person masculine imperfect verb form derived from the Biblical Hebrew triconsonantal root היה (h-y-y) "to be", which has הוה (h-w-y) as a variant form. This would connect it to the passage in verse Exodus 3:14, where God gives his name as אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh), translated most basically as "I am what I am" (or "I will be that which I now am"). יהוה with the vocalization "Yahweh" could theoretically be a hiph'il verb inflection of root h-w-y, with a meaning something like "he who causes to exist" or "who gives life". As a qal (basic stem) verb inflection, it could mean "he who is, who exists".